My name is Frank P. Roy.
I am electronics engineer by profession, but an Egyptologist and photographer
by passion. In 1992 I visited Egypt for the first time and since then have been
in love with the country. I have a fascination with the ancient world, and find
the ancient monuments of Egypt inspirational in their simplicity, beauty and
form. I have been shooting on a professional basis since 1990. In 1998, 2002
I returned to Egypt with a medium format professional camera to photograph the
ancient sites. My main Egyptological interest are the pyramids. I have organized
the web site into areas of the pyramid sites. Also I have pages devoted to Egypt
in general (Egypt Perspective), a time line page, an essay on the Osiris-Orion
correlation, a map of Egypt showing were the pyramid sites are, a links page,
travel information, an area devoted to the Egyptian Museum, pyramid statistics
and finally an offer of large photographic prints. The site is now fully operational,
with the "Travel to Egypt" still to be completed. I plan to fill in
the Giza Plateau, Abu-Rawash, Zawiyet el-Aryan and Abusir in areas in the next
few months, so come back often.