The Pyramid of Sneferu at Meidum


Meidum north mastaba field
Nefer-maat and Itet
Rahotep and Nofret

Sneferu Endures
The Stable Pyramid

The mastaba of Nefer-matt and Itet
The mastaba of Nefer-matt and Itet
The mastaba of Nefer-matt and Itet
The mastaba of Nefer-matt and Itet
The mastaba of Rahotep and Nofret.
The mastaba of Rahotep and Nofret.
The mastaba of Rahotep and Nofret.
The mastaba of Rahotep and Nofret.
The mastaba of Rahotep and Nofret.

The north Meidum Masataba field. Their are two very significant mastabas here. Mastaba no. 16, that of Nefer-maat and his wife Itet. It is here that we find the magnificent "Geese of Meidum" painting. It is actually found in the Itet's section. It is one of the great masterpieces of the Old Kingdom. And the mastaba of Ra-hotep and Nofret, where the famous statute pair of Ra-hotep and Nofret were located. The two statues, together with Geese painting, are to be seen at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

The mastaba of Nefer-matt and Itet The mastaba of Rahotep and Nofret.
Map of the Meidum northern mastaba field.
The mastaba of Rahotep and Nofret.

The North Masataba field

The north Meidum Mastaba field looking northeast toward the cultivation area.


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Height 92 m
Base 144 m
Volume 638,733 cu. m
Slope 51° 50' 35"
Dynasty 4
Satellite Pyramids (1)
Queens Pyramids (0)
Ruled 25 years